Wednesday, August 28, 2013

 Kaleidoscope Name Design

  • 2 square pieces of paper the same size (copy paper usu­ally works well)
  • Pen­cil and eraser
  • Scis­sors
  • Black “F” Sharpie
  • Col­ored pen­cils or markers
Direc­tions for lower grades:
1. First, fold both of your papers in half diag­o­nally, then in half again. Unfold both of them and set one aside.
2. Cut out one of the tri­an­gles cre­ated by your fold lines on just one of the papers.
3. With the flat edge along the bot­tom and the point fac­ing up, write your name with large stick let­ters so that it fills the entire tri­an­gle.
4. Now, draw an out­line around your stick let­ters to make nice, thick let­ters that touch all three sides of your tri­an­gle. Trace over your pen­cil lines with Sharpie.
5. Next, place the tri­an­gle with your name on it under one of the cor­re­spond­ing tri­an­gles on the other paper. Trace your out­line let­ters with pen­cil onto the new paper. (It can be help­ful to use a light box or even tape your papers to a win­dow for trac­ing. You could also try using a more translu­cent paper if it’s dif­fi­cult to see your lines, although cheap copy paper works great for me.)
6. Con­tinue trac­ing your name onto each sec­tion, flip­ping your name over every other time to achieve a “mir­ror image”. (Flip­ping your name over every other time is essen­tial to achiev­ing a mir­ror image, so don’t for­get this impor­tant step!!)
7. Then, trace over all your pen­cil lines with Sharpie.
8. Color with mark­ers or col­ored pen­cils.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Welcome to Intro to Art

In this class we will explore a wide array of art mediums. We will dibble and dabble with different eras, artists, techniques and cultures. This class is tons of fun, if you are open to trying new things. 

This is your class blog site that I will communicate your weekly lessons on. We will explore the blog today so you fully understand how it can be beneficial to you and your parents.